
Economic Secretary Outlines UK’s Ambitious Plans for Digital Asset Adoption

The UK’s Economic Secretary to the Treasury has said the Digital Securities Sandbox is set to help facilitate the adoption of distributed ledger technology across capital markets.

Examining Benefits of DLT in Debt Issuance Process

Tulip Siddiq, the United Kingdom’s Economic Secretary to the Treasury, said the recently opened Digital Securities Sandbox (DSS) will help the financial services sector adopt distributed ledger technology (DLT) across the country’s capital markets. Siddiq said that by making minor amendments to legislation and regulatory rules, the sandbox will enable participating firms to create novel platforms for creating, trading, and settling securities.

In her keynote address at the Tokenisation Summit, Siddiq said the issuance of the Digital Gilt Instrument (DIGIT) will take place in the DSS, allowing the government to examine “first-hand” the benefits DLT brings to the debt issuance process. The U.K. government is also hopeful that the issuance of DIGIT will stimulate the “wider development of DLT platforms and infrastructures across U.K. capital markets.”

According to the Economic Secretary, both the setting up of DSS and the issuance of DIGIT showcase the U.K.’s desire to become a global leader in digital asset adoption. It also complements other efforts, including the introduction of the Digital Assets Bill aimed at demonstrating the country’s support for DLT innovation.

Regulated Activities for Stablecoins

Concerning the regulation of crypto assets, Siddiq said the U.K. government intends to fully implement the Treasury’s detailed proposals unveiled in October 2023. The proposals include stablecoin issuance regulations as well as how the U.K. can find the right balance between supporting innovation and protecting consumers. Siddiq also revealed the government’s stablecoin approach going forward.

“The government intends to proceed with the new regulated activities for stablecoin, which will be implemented to the same timetable as the rest of the regulatory regime for cryptoassets. Doing everything in a single phase is simpler, and it just makes more sense,” the Economic Secretary said.

Regarding the uncertainty over whether crypto staking services constitute a collective investment scheme under financial services law, Siddiq said the government will proceed with removing this legal uncertainty. She said the risks associated with such schemes will be accounted for within the forthcoming crypto asset regulatory regime.

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